
Practical Cyber Security Training

Hands-on Hacking™

Learn practical ethical hacking skills online with Hacker House

$ 550 $ 990

*Price not inclusive of taxes

Exclusive forum access

Exclusive forum access

  • Ask questions and get help from alumni community and Hacker House staff.
  • Latest access on upcoming news, extra challenges, tips and exclusive content.
Learn at your own pace

Learn at your own pace

  • High quality instructional videos and comprehensive course materials.
  • Learn everything you need to make your next career move in cyber security.
Download Labs

Download Labs

  • Every module includes extensive downloadable content, code and labs.
  • Set up your own virtual playground, continuous learning after you've finished the course.

12 Module Course

  1. Ethics & Legalities

    Ethics & Legalities

  2. Open-Source Intelligence

    Open-Source Intelligence

  3. DNS & Domain Hacking

    DNS & Domain Hacking

  4. E-Mail attacks & Mail infrastructure

    E-Mail attacks & Mail infrastructure

  5. Web Server Hacking

    Web Server Hacking

  6. VPN Attacks

    VPN Attacks

  7. File Servers & Internal Attacks

    File Servers & Internal Attacks

  8. UNIX Server Infrastructure

    UNIX Server Infrastructure

  9. Databases


  10. Web Application Assessments

    Web Application Assessments

  11. Windows Enterprise Environments

    Windows Enterprise Environments

  12. Art of Password Cracking

    Art of Password Cracking

More details

  • Intro & Prerequisites
  • Hands-On Hacking Syllabus

Introductory offer

The Hands-on Hacking™ platform launched in April 2019 and our book Hands-on Hacking published in August 2020. We are offering a special discounted rate on our training and our biggest ever savings to get access to our practical on-demand training portal! Don't miss out on these great savings!


  • Community forum: Engage and meet other students, connect with them in real time.
  • 12 x Module Hands-on Hacking™ Course
  • Hands-on Hacking™ 1 x Quiz Attempt (Optional: Certificate)
  • Early bird access to future advanced courses & additional content
  • Access to Employer portal to network with future prospects
  • Exclusive Invites to CTF's and other Hacker House releases.
  • Exclusive Limited Invites to Hacker House event series in Los Angeles 2019

12 Module Course

$ 550 $ 990

*Price not inclusive of taxes

Chris Jones, Software Engineer
My Background - I’m software engineer and my job increasingly means being responsible not just for the code but more “sys-admin” type decisions. In addition to this I’ve always felt software teams get next nothing in terms support or training about designing more secure software. It’s always an afterthought. My primary interest was more defensive. The review: In general, the course content was excellent. Matthew was helpful, very knowledgeable and very good at explaining the concepts. What I really found incredibly motivating was seeing the whole context of a hack. In general, as developer you often understand, for example cross-site scripting, and have vague idea of certain dos and don’ts. But it’s only when you see, and do, the whole “hack” that you begin to understand how vulnerabilities can be chained together you begin to “get it” more. The only downside was that the course was too quick for me at times. As someone from a primarily Windows background I’m quite slow on Linux. I would recommend people to brush up on Linux if it’s not their main OS. After all you want to maximise learning about hacking and not how the Linux file system works. I also felt some of the written documentation needed to be a little more idiot-friendly and easier to cut and paste if you get stuck. I did mention it to Matthew and I get the impression it’s something that would be addressed. So, 4 stars and of 5 for me. I’d really recommend the course and came away feeling I understood how it works in real-world and most of all wanting to learn more.

Chris Jones, Software Engineer

View all reviews

Webinars & Workshops

Find out more about Cyber Security and Hands-on Hacking™ with our FREE sessions and live streams!

Interactive Webinars

Interactive Webinars

  • Ask questions and interact with Hacker House instructors.
  • Learn about Hands-on Hacking™ course and how it could change your career.
Hands-on Hacking™

Hands-on Hacking™

  • Learn hacking skills in real-time, get a taster of the course!
  • Get more information on the course & content!
Who is this for?

Who is this for?

  • Those seeking to get an introduction into the world of ethical hacking.
  • Those pursuing future employment or enhancing their existing skills at work

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